Yoga practice at home - Part 3

Written by Mandy Haynes July 1, 2020

We are now entering the third part of our home practice series. Hopefully you found the first two sections helpful to boost your self practice - if you have been practicing regularly, have you noticed any shifts or changes in your strength and flexibility? Have you found that as your body has gotten used to the movements and shapes it is creating, that you’re able to stay present and mindful? 

This month we look at some standing poses to add in. To begin, give yourself a few minutes to settle and check in with yourself before going through the movement meditation at least 5 times and then part two of the mat based poses, ending in Downward Facing Dog.

Standing Forward Bend
From Downward Facing Dog, walk your feet forwards until they are between your hands (come up onto your fingertips if needed). Bend the knees as much as you need to so that the belly rests on the thighs, bring your weight a little bit forward into the balls of your feet so that your hips stay over your ankles and let the head hang. Take a few breaths here and to come up, place your hands on your hips and rise up with a long spine.

Mountain Pose
Mountain pose is the foundation of all standing poses. Stand with your feet together or hip width apart, lift and spread your toes then lay them softly on the floor. Lift the knee caps to firm the thighs, lengthen the tailbone toward the floor, roll the shoulders back and down and widen the collar bones. Let the arms hang down by your side and have the crown of your head above the centre of the pelvis. Take 5 breaths here with either the eyes closed or a soft gaze.

*If you are familiar with Sun Salutations, you could add 5-10 rounds here*

Warrior 2
Turn to the long edge of your mat and step your feet wide apart with the heels aligned with each other. Turn your right foot out 90 degrees so that the toes are facing the top of the mat and pivot the left food inwards slightly so that the toes are at a 45-degree angle. On an inhalation raise your arms to shoulder height, palms facing down and stretch through the fingertips. On an exhalation, bend your front knee so that is directly over the ankle. Keep the shoulders over the hips and turn to gaze over the middle finger of your front hand. Hold for 5 breaths, then bring your hands to your hips, straighten your front leg and bring your feet parallel. 

Wide Leg Forward Bend
On an inhalation, lift the chest and lengthen the spine and as you exhale start to hinge the torso forward from the hips and go half-way down. Place your hands on the mat underneath your shoulders and take a few breaths. Stay here, or walk your hands back and fold deeper from the hips and release the head. Hold for 5-10 breaths then move your hands back under your shoulders, lengthen the spine, bring your hands to your hips and come up to stand. From here move into Warrior 2 on the other side and then back into the Wide Leg Forward Bend. 

To finish, from the end of your last Wide Leg Forward Bend, walk your feet back into Mountain Pose. Bring the hands together in Prayer position and softly close the eyes, take 5 breaths.

In part 4 we look at balancing poses and the yogic philosophy concept of sthira and sukha.

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Essex, CM1 3ST

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